I’ve not walked this area in a while, but I’m thinking we head west along Cumberland, up Avenue Rd (past the Ferrari showroom!), through Ramsen Park (we’ll take Roxborough if the park’s too muddy), along Pears Ave then up Yonge and past Rosedale subway (along Crescent Road), cut through the park there (don’t know its name), then head back via Park Rd, Collier St and Yorkville Ave.
Google maps says it’s about 4km and would take about 50 minutes at “normal” walking pace, so I’m thinking 3-4 hours at photographers pace 🙂
Of course we can adjust the route depending on time, what we see / want to see, etc. but I thought I’d come up with an initial plan.
There’s a Facebook event @ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=352007145494
Attendees: Alicia Drabinsky, Bill Smith, Judith Patterson, Tim Bermingham, Victor Salus and me (Paul Henman).