Queens Quay / Music Garden / Harbourfront easily won the poll (19 votes – 2nd place was Colonel Samuel Smith Park with 5 votes). I’m sure Georgette’s post about the World Naked Bike Ride helped 🙂
The forecast looks like we could be in for another wet/stormy walk – how do we keep picking those days?
Date: Saturday 12th June 2010.
Meet: 10:30am at Union Station, at the main (Front Street) entrance. I would say next to the “Monument to Multiculturalism” statue but it’s been removed.
Route: W on Front then S on Simcoe … G20 fences permitting! First stop is the Roundhouse and Steamwhistle Brewery – the brewery opens at 11am. Continue S on Simcoe to Harbourfront Centre. We’ll be generally heading W on Queens Quay, taking detours down each of the spits, before turning down Eireann Quay. There’s the ferry for the Island Airport (chance to shoot the skyline) and the Irish immigrants’ memorial. Then we’ll head up Bathurst, through Fort York, up Strachan and W on E Liberty Street.
[route map]Lunch: Shoeless Joe’s (To Be Confirmed)
Post-walk: Brazen Head Irish Pub (To Be Confirmed)
Hashtag: please use “TOPW:QQ”
It’s a bit grey at the moment and the forecast says we’ll have showers this morning with “the risk” of a thunderstorm this afternoon, but we’ll still be out here! As Ron said, at least it’s not -25 🙂
If you’re joining us later in the day, call me (647-388-5356) and I can let you know exactly where we are.