The poll ended in a tie between Cheltenham Badlands and Tommy Thompson Park (Leslie spit).
Date: Saturday 16th October 2010.
Meet: 11:00am at Cheltenham Badlands.
*Note: a few people have offered to drive; please make arrangements with them directly. Please leave a comment if you can offer others a lift.
Route: We’ll also try to take in Terra Cotta, Belfountain and St. Elias Church.
Lunch: there’s not much in the area (as far as I can tell from Google maps) so I think it’s best to bring our own. We can always stop if we see an interesting place but best to be prepared.
Hashtag: please use “TOPW:CB”
[Flickr thread] [Facebook event]
For those who can’t get to / don’t want to get to the Badlands, I’m looking for a volunteer to organise a walk in Tommy Thompson Park.
Google map @,-79.939485&sspn=0.023117,0.05549&ie=UTF8&ll=43.774379,-79.94442&spn=0.046234,0.110979&z=14&layer=c&cbll=43.774307,-79.944511&panoid=6AvRjnBsHTpgBwpYA_wqkQ&cbp=12,162.81,,0,4.44
Anyone want to make a stop at the Henry’s show on the way back?
Please feel free to update the map (let me know if you have problems with that) because I’ve never been to any of these places, so I’m basing this purely off Google!