Starting the New Year off with more of a bar crawl than a photo walk…
Date: Saturday 1st January 2011.
Meet: 11:30am at Sunnyside Pavillion. [map]
Route: The Polar Bear Dip is at noon, then we’ll head over to the Cadillac Lounge for lunch followed by a short stroll over to The Gladstone and (if livers are willing) on to The Drake.
Hashtag: please use “TOPW:HD”
The Drake “lost” my voicemail message from Tuesday, so we’re not booked in for lunch and now they’re full!
I’ve left a message with the Gladstone and emailed the Cadillac Lounge – hopefully I can confirm one this evening.
*Update* – Just heard from the Caddy and we have a reservation for 1pm – phew!