The October 1st walk is in conjunction with Scott Kelby’s 4th annual Worldwide Photo Walk (#WWPW). The walk details are on the WWPW website; I’ll be confirming the details (and sending out an email) shortly. Please note: the walk is capped at 50 people and we hit that a while ago, so please don’t join…
Toronto Zoo, September 17th
Date: Saturday 17th September 2011. Meet: At the zoo’s entrance at 10:45am. [Directions or use Google maps‘ transit directions] Note: general admission is $23.00 (incl taxes) Hashtag: please use “TOPW:TZ” **If you’re joining us later, call me (Paul @ 647-388-5356) and I’ll let you know where we are. [Flickr thread] [Facebook event]
Air show and night shoot, September 3rd
Date: Saturday 3rd September 2011. Meet: Noon at the TTC loop / GO station entrance to The Ex. Note: general admission is $16; you can buy tickets online to avoid the queue. We’re meeting up with some of the 500px team too – Jen & Andrey will have gifts (Gelaskins gift cards for everyone) and…
Earl Bales Park, August 20th
Thanks to Phil for organising this walk! Date: Saturday 20th August 2011. Meet: 10:00am at the south-east corner of Bathurst and Wilson [map] Morning route: NE to the end of Westgate Blvd then into the ravine; follow the trail NE(ish) then N into the Park. Cutting W through the park, we’ll exit onto Raoul Wallenberg…
UofT campus, August 6th
Thanks to Vicki for organising this walk! Date: Saturday 6th August 2011. Meet: 10:00am at St. George Subway (St. George and Bloor). Morning route: Explore the west side of the campus. Lunch: Bocca on Baldwin, 26 Baldwin Street, one block west of McCaul. (~12:30pm; confirmed.) Afternoon: Walk along College and head up the East side…