Even though I planned this walk, hopefully we’ll have good weather for it 🙂
Meet: 10:00 am at the Tim Hortons at Gerrard and Blackburn (547 Gerrard St East) – yes, the same place we met to start the Focus on Gerrard walk.
Morning route: Head north beside Bridgepoint then across the Don and over to Riverdale Farm. How long we have at the farm depends on our pace. From there we’ll go south on Sumach to Spruce, then over to Parliament. [map]
Lunch: Stout Irish Pub, 221 Carlton (confirmed)
Afternoon: I’ve sketched a route zigzagging up to the Bishop & Belcher, just across from Bloor-Yonge station, but we can improvise.
Contact: Paul Henman, 647-388-5356
Hashtag: TOPW2017rs
Hi there,
Wanted to know what will be the total duration starting from 10 Am in the morning?
Hi Jaimin,
Our walks are usually planned to start at 10am and go through to about 4pm, with a lunch stop about 12:30, but you’re welcome to join/leave whenever you want. We share the walk leaders’ phone numbers so that you can contact us if you arrive after the start or lose sight of the group during the day.
Thanks Paul..Sounds perfect. Do we need to register for the vent?
No need to register but if you’re on Facebook it helps if people click to say they’re going – it helps give an idea of numbers when we make lunch reservations.
Hi Paul,
Interested in joining your group for the Walk tomorrow
Hi Rico,
No problem. Make sure you have my phone number (647-388-5356) if you’re not joining at 10am or in case you lose sight of us.